Members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Los Angeles and other Los Angeles based organizations are calling for an Anti-Capitalist Feminist Bloc at the next Women’s March – January 19th, 2019.
Our intention is to create an anti-capitalist feminist bloc and coalition organizing around the principles of horizontalism and direct democracy in the Los Angeles area. The purpose of our bloc and newly formed Anti-Capitalist Feminist Coalition is to cohere and expand a socialist tendency within the mainstream feminist movement with the goal of building a force capable of challenging capitalism and the state.
As a coalition, we will prioritize building power from below instead of relying on politicians and NGOs to enact our demands. Our goal is to support the growth of a feminist social movement that is abolitionist and socialist in nature.
Alliances with different feminist anti-capitalist groups are required now more than ever, to build a socialist alternative to the political climate. The coalition will represent an alliance between different organizations and individuals dedicated to building socialist feminism in the Los Angeles area to maximize our resources and support each other in our base-building work to improve the lives of working-class women, gender fluid, and trans folks. Through the process of finding political commonality, in our demands and political work, we can build a mass feminist movement with a socialist character and become a true alternative to mainstream feminism. We want to develop a popular working class feminist voice to improve our lives under capitalism so we don’t die. We also want to begin to imagine and construct the alternative society we are fighting for.
Follow Anti-Capitalist Feminist Coalition on Twitter and Instagram.
Email them at:
Call to action graphic