Category: Federation
The Myth of Non-Reformist Reforms
By Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Burlington This gem of a passage by left economist and author Robin Hahnel has been locked away for years in a book of his, Economic Justice and Democracy: From Competition to Cooperation, but deserves a bigger audience, especially these days given the popularity of the phrase “non-reformist reform.” Hahnel’s central point here…
Unionism From Below: Interview with Burgerville Workers Union
Launching a historic three-day strike and boycott launch that began on February 1, workers across several Portland, OR Burgerville stores took the next steps in what is perhaps an unprecedented campaign for the current US labor movement. The strike was centered at the prominent Convention Center Burgerville store and spread to three additional locations, in…
West Virginia Isn’t Over Yet: Extend the Strike, Build Long Term Power
What follows is a proposal, released as a leaflet you can download, for how to extend the strike unfolding in West Virginia. This is followed by a February 27 press release from opposing the attempt by union leaders and the Democratic Party pushing teachers across the state to end the current strike and return to…
Revolutionary Organizing: Black Rose Interview with Revolutionary Left Radio
Revolutionary Left Radio is a top source for discussion of radical left politics and ideas and is unique in hosting guests from a range of political ideologies and organizations that you won’t hear anywhere else. We were humbled to be featured on their most recent episode, “Revolutionary Organizing,” discussing our ideas on revolutionary political organization,…
Victory of Assad Regime in Ghouta Is Major Defeat for Those Fighting Racism and Capitalist Authoritarianism Globally
Reposting Frieda Afary’s analysis of the Assad Regime’s murderous ongoing siege of Eastern Ghouta and its impending ‘victory’ there. Originally published on the Alliance of Middle Eastern Socialists’ page, 25 February 2018 Those who oppose both the Assad regime and the Jihadists and all the imperialist powers need to focus on a glaring fact: Support…
Land and Liberty: A Review of Anarchism in Latin America
Review of “Anarchism in Latin America” by Ángel Cappelletti. Translation by Gabriel Palmer-Fernández with introduction by Romina Akemi and Javier Sethness-Castro. AK Press, 2018. By Sasha Berkman The translation of Ángel Cappelletti’s expansive Anarchism in Latin America, itself a small preface for an even more expansive anthology of Latin American Anarchist texts, into English is a welcome…
The Limits of Hegemony: A Review of Hegemony How-To
By Wayne Price, Anarkismo Review of Jonathan M. Smucker, Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals How can we build an effective popular movement to change society? That is the subject of this book, which has been widely praised. In my opinion, it has important and profoundly true things to say, but is politically unbalanced and…
Koreatown Popular Assembly: Shutting Down ICE, Building Popular Power
By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team About 70 activists and community members surrounded and blocked an ICE van in front of LA’s Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown Los Angeles the evening of Thursday, February 15. The action was called for by the Koreatown Popular Assembly 24 hours prior as an emergency…
How Do You Practice Intersectionalism? An Interview with bell hooks
This interview originally appeared in Northeastern Anarchist #15 in 2011 – In June of 2009 bell hooks agreed to be interviewed. We met at a local coffee shop and, over bagels and espresso drinks, discussed her books, politics and thoughts on recent events such as the economic downturn. I found her as forthright in person…
The Eye of the Troll Storm: Tariq Khan Interview with It’s Going Down
Listen: It’s Going Down Interview with Tariq Khan By It’s Going Down In November, PhD student of history in Illinois, father, and Air Force veteran Tariq Khan, found himself in the center of a whirlwind of controversy, and a punching bag for a variety of Alt-Right and Alt-Lite blowhards – from InfoWars, to Gavin McInnes, to Anthony…