Category: Miami

  • Why Working People are The Solution to Our Economic Crisis

    Power gets what it wants.  This is the reason that Wall Street – the cause of the crisis- is booming; but working people are facing double-digit unemployment, hour cuts, increased work load on the job, less resources to work with, raising costs on benefits, cuts to public services and an all-around increase of vulnerability to…

  • Struggle in Iran- A MAS event with Abdi speaking

    On November 19th, MAS hosted a public talk and discussion on the struggle and social movements in Iran. The event occured in Miami at FIU-North, and the recording has been uploaded here.

  • Press Release for Picket in Solidarity with Haitian Minimum Wage Struggles

    Miami, FL– A group of community residents will gather in front of the Haitian Consulate of Miami on Wednesday, August 19th, from 12-2pm to support workers in Haiti who are fighting for a minimum wage of 200 gourdes a day (5 USD).

  • Batay Ouvriye: Nòt Pou Laprès

    Leta reyaksysonè-a kontinye ap mare sosis li ak boujwazi anti nasyonal, anti popilè-a pou toupizi mas popilè yo.

  • MAS Bases de Acuerdo

    Miami Autonomía y Solidaridad (MAS), es un grupo de individuos quienes se han juntado con el propósito de desarrollar una organización revolucionaria, que conviva con los demás movimientos sociales, teniendo como meta final contribuir al desarrollo de un movimiento popular autónomo, creado por los oprimidos, para derrocar el capitalismo, el estado, y toda forma de…

  • Venezuelan Social Movements and Anarchism: a presentation by Nelson Mendez of El Libertario in Miami

    In August of 2009 MAS hosted a discussion about Venezuelan social movements and anarchism with Nelson Mendez of the El Libertario editorial collective. The multimedia presentation was given in English and Spanish, and here we have posted the audio of that event. The audio begins with Mendez speaking, and translation follows shortly after. Unfortunately about…

  • El Libertario: Nelson Mendez Miami

    Below is the flyer for the MAS sponsored event hosting Nelson Mendez from the editorial collective of El Libertario from Venezuela.

  • Ocupaciones de fábricas y convocatoria internacional para el 19 de agosto

    Más de 10.000 trabajadores, incluyendo a miembros de Batay Ouvrije, en la zona industrial (es decir, en el distrito de las enormes maquilas) de Puerto Príncipe, ocuparon sus fábricas el martes en apoyo a la petición de una legislación de salario mínimo aprobada por el parlamento, pero bloqueada por el presidente. Los trabajadores piden un…

  • Haitian Factory Occupations and Wildcats

    Over 10,000 workers including Batay Ouvriye members at the industrial parks (i.e. mass sweatshop district) of Port au Prince occupied their factories Tuesday in support of the demand for the enactment of the minimum wage legislation passed by Parliament, but stalled by the President. The workers are demanding the full 200 gourdes minimum wage, while…

  • Update on Haitian Minimum Wage Struggles

    The Preval administration proposed a gradual adjustment of the minimum wage that will start at 125 Gourdes. This proposal is illegal by the Haitian law which requires essentially a living wage, since it doesn’t take into account inflation. It is stated clearly in the – still reactionary- Labor Code that the adjustment must be based…