Category: Miami
Tahrir-ICN statement on events in Egypt
*We are reposting a statement from the Tahrir-ICN blog on the current situation in Egypt* by tahriricn The events of the past couple of days are the latest step in a sequence of events by which the military can consolidate its hold on power, aim towards the death of the revolution and a return to…
Will the cop who killed Reefa be allowed to stand his ground too?
******* We are reposting this piece from the “Let’s Talk About It!” radio show blog by Subhash Kateel, a Miami comrade, radio show host, and veteran activist. ******* Will the cop who killed Reefa be allowed to stand his ground too? By Subhash Kateel This past week another young man from Miami with a promising life…
Rally Against Police Brutality, RIP Reefa: 1pm, Sat. Aug. 10th, @ Collins Ave. and 71st St., Miami Beach
Friends of Trayvon Host Rally Saturday (7/20) at 1pm
An event organized by Friends of Trayvon; come stand in solidarity and bring others along! Here’s their event information and posting: Saturday, July 20, 2013 1:00pm Betty T. Ferguson Recreational Complex 3000 NW 199th Street, Miami Gardens, Florida Free Event! Come rain or shine! Come Support Justice for Trayvon! We’re going to gather, express ourselves,…
Miami Vigil for Trayvon Martin: 6pm at Bayfront Park
Today, Sunday, July 14th, 2013 @ 6pm Torch of Friendship, Bayfront Park Miami, Florida Other events throughout the country:
Reflections on the 1/17/13 Seattle Solidarity Workshop
This piece is a contribution to our blog from a close compa of ours that we’ve worked closely with since before MAS was founded. He offered to share a few of his reflections on the Seattle Solidarity Event that we hosted on January 17th of this year. This should have been posted much sooner; but…
Solidarity Against the Persecution of the Gaucha Anarchist Federation in Brazil
By International Anarchist Organisations – Various Call for solidarity and endorsement against the persecution in Brazil of anarchist militants and the Gaucha Anarchist Federation in Porto Alegre In Porto Alegre, on June 20 past, about 15 agents from the Civil Police raided the Ateneo Batalha da Varzea, political and social premises where the Gaucha Anarchist…
Solidaridad contra la persecución hacia la Federación Anarquista Brasileña
by Organizaciones Anarquistas Internacionales – Varios Pedido de solidaridad y adhesiones contra la persecución en Brasil hacia militantes Anarquistas brasileros y la Federación Anarquista Gaúcha de Porto Alegre (RS) En Porto Alegre, el pasado 20 de junio, cerca de 15 agentes de la Policía Civil sin orden de allanamiento irrumpieron en el Ateneo Batalha da…
Democratic Centralism in Practice and Idea: A critical evaluation
-S. Nappalos The terrain is changing beneath our feet. Since the collapse of the majority of the “official Communist” regimes, the world has witnessed both events and ideas that have undermined the former dominant thinking within the left. The Zapatistas, Argentina in 2001, South Korean workers movements, Oaxaca in 2006, the struggles around anti-globalization, and…
From Theory to Practice, Taking a Critical Look at Leninism
A Review of A Look At Leninism by Ron Taber. 104 pp. New York , New York : Aspect Foundation, 1988. Download a pamphlet PDF version of this article. By Adam Weaver Where can those looking for a critical understanding of Lenin turn? How can we better understand how the Russian Revolution begin as the…