Miami Autonomy and Solidarity is passing along this request for solidarity from a WeCount! organizer to stand with Homestead residents as they express their outrage at the persistent racial profiling by Miami-Dade Police of Homestead residents:
In December, WeCount! delivered petitions with over 2,300 signatures to the Miami-Dade Police Department, calling on the MDPD to stop racially profiling Latino (with indigenous features) drivers. Subsequently, Major Ariel Artime, of the South District of the MDPD has accepted our invitation to come to Homestead to dialogue with members of our community on this important issue.
Please join us on Friday, March 16, at 6:30 pm, at the First Homestead United Methodist Church, 622 N. Krome Ave. in Homestead. The dialogue will be held in Spanish, with translation into English.
WeCount! hopes to count on your presence and support this Friday for our much awaited forum with the Miami Dade County Police. Please make an effort to attend.