Tag: Black Anarchism
Announcing: Black Autonomy Podcast
Black Autonomy Podcast is a new podcast discussing anarchism and its relevance to the ongoing Black Liberation Movement. Hosts Lorenzo Komboa Ervin and JoNina Abron-Ervin are veteran organizers, former members of the Black Panther Party and co-founders of the Black Autonomy Federation. Lorenzo is the author of Anarchism and the Black Revolution which he wrote…
Ungovernable: An Interview with Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin
Author and independent writer William C. Anderson interviews veteran organizer and former Black Panther and political prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin on the current political crisis, fascism and rising relevance of Black anarchism. We also urge you to generously contribute towards a fundraising campaign organized by William to support Lorenzo and his partner JoNina Ervin. Both…
Panel: La lucha negra contra la violencia racial
English Below Como entender la situación de Estados Unidos desde nuestra América en clave Socialista Libertaria? Conversatorio con compañerxs desde Estados Unidos y el sur de Sudamérica. Tras el asesinato de George Floyd por parte de la policía de Minneapolis, se levantaron revueltas en todo Estados Unidos para pedir justicia y denunciar el sistemático asesinato…
Re-Introducing the Black Anarchism Reader
A little over four years ago we introduced The Black Anarchism Reader — an expansive collection of texts that span more than 150 years of black anarchist thought. The reader was initially introduced following the popular black rebellions in Ferguson and Baltimore. In the wake of the uprising in Minneapolis, one that has spawned a…
Martin Sostre: Prison Revolutionary
By Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin Even in this generation, many young activists know of George Jackson, aka “Comrade George,” Black Panther leader, revolutionary prison writer and organizer who was assassinated in August, 1971, in the California penitentiary, San Quentin. Yet, in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, Martin Sostre (1923-2015) was every bit as well known…
Elections and Class Struggle in South Africa: The Question of State Power and the Anarchist Response
Below we republish a critical reflection on the question of elections and class struggle – an issue that faces the South African left and which the US left is just beginning to take up again. Editorial note: An important point of context in the opening of the article is the reference to NUMSA (National Union…
Interview: Building Black Working Class Counter-Power in South Africa
The following interview with Warren McGregor of Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (ZACF) discusses basic tenants of anarchism and key questions facing the left in South Africa such as calls to form a new “workers party,” addressing racial and national oppression, linking fights for reforms to revolutionary transformation and counter-power, and the history of anarchism in South…
Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin: ¿Por qué soy anarquista?
Por Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin English Version Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin (nacido en 1947 en Chattanooga, Tennessee) es un escritor, activista y anarquista afroestadounidense. Es un ex miembro del Partido Pantera Negra, convirtiéndose luego en uno de los principales exponentes del Anarquismo negro. Cuando se constituye el tribunal para juzgar al “Black Power” en el verano del…
Senzala or Quilombo: Reflections on APOC and the Fate of Black Anarchism
The piece “Senzala or Quilombo” was in it’s time a scathing indictment against certain quarters of criticism inside the wider U.S. anarchist movement around the formation of Anarchist People of Color (APOC). First began as a website and list serve that linked various self-identified anarchists of color, the effort blossomed into a 2003 conference in…
An Organizer We Need: Fundraiser for Lorenzo Komboa Ervin
By BRRN Social Media Team Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. His writings, which first circulated in the 1990s, continue to inspire many anarchists today. But most importantly his on-the-ground community organizing in the…