Steps Towards a Strategy of Popular Power: BRRN 5th National Convention
Report on the 5th Black Rose/Rosa Negra National Convention, Los Angeles By Alex Isa and Tanya H.F. with contributions from Agüey Baná and Adam Weaver Note: This version has been updated since the original posting. Amidst heated discussions, mostly due to warm California weather and packed rooms full of enthusiastic militants, 60 members of Black…
Strengthening Our Politics, Commitment and Growth: BRRN 4th National Convention
A Report on the Black Rose/Rosa Negra 4th National Convention By Romina, Lisette and Ollie On a Saturday afternoon in Rochester, NY, fifty members of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation gathered outside The Flying Squirrel Community Space to take a group photo. Members from 14 locals, as well as many at-large members, travelled from across…