Tag: housing justice
Are Solidarity Networks the Future of Housing Justice?
As we get further away from the shocking chain of foreclosures that marked the 2008 financial crisis, it has become more apparent just how deep the catastrophe hit. The crisis led to 2.9 million foreclosures that year – a level of housing displacement comparable to an active war zone. For those without the means to…
Portland Tenants United Lead City Into “Eviction Free 2016”
“There’s no such thing as “no cause” when it comes to a no-cause eviction,” said Rosalie Nowak, a Portland renter telling a crowd of hundreds about being evicted only a month after moving in. “There’s always a cause. A reason. It’s that you, as a renter, have no right to know what the hell is…
Housing for All: The Tenants Movement Takes the Streets [VIDEO]
What would a city look like with housing for all? Voices were raised collectively on August 28th, asking why we can’t defend against skyrocketing rents, mass housing displacement, and systemic gentrification of working class communities and communities of color. Starting with a rally at City Hall, housing organizations and renters spoke out about the housing…
Marcha Contra el Desplazamiento en East Boston
Militantes del capítulo de Boston de Rosa Negra se han dedicado por más de una década a las luchas de los inquilinos. Después de la crisis de embargos hipotecarios (foreclosure) encontramos a nuestra ciudad de Boston bajo ataque por los especuladores, propietarios y agencias de bienes raices que están aumentando las rentas y desalojando a…
Ready to Fight: Developing a 21st Century Community Syndicalism
There has been an effort by scholars and organizers alike over the last forty years to segregate anarcho-syndicalism from the rest of the broad anarchist movement. The labor movement dominated social struggles in the first half of the twentieth century, but as large business union bureaucracies were formed and new shop organizing began to diminish,…
PDXSol Picket Fox Management; Property Manager Kallie Caito Lashes Out With Erratic Rants
On Wednesday, February 18th the Portland Solidarity Network’s Outer East Side Committee escalated their campaign against Fox Management and property manager Kallie Caito. The campaign supports Aubrey and Becky, who are former tenants of a Fox Management apartment for more than ten years, where they suffered ill-repair and dangerous conditions in their apartment, over charging,…