Tag: IWW
Anarchists in the Labor Movement #6 – Restaurants
This is the sixth installment in our Anarchists in the Labor Movement series. Click through the links to read installment #1 with an education worker, #2 with healthcare workers, #3 with a metal worker, #4 with a public librarian, and #5 with a public school teacher. In this interview we speak to GK, a restaurant worker in Michigan. As the…
West Virginia Isn’t Over Yet: Extend the Strike, Build Long Term Power
What follows is a proposal, released as a leaflet you can download, for how to extend the strike unfolding in West Virginia. This is followed by a February 27 press release from opposing the attempt by union leaders and the Democratic Party pushing teachers across the state to end the current strike and return to…
Emancipation of the Working Class – Celebrate the Legacy of the IWW
Founded 112 years ago this week, we celebrate the rich legacy of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). The union brought together a number of existing unions and radical currents to create an alternative to the conservative trade unions of time which promoted harmony between workers and capital and also practiced exclusion in their…
When the Riot Cops Attack: Repression and Solidarity in Portland’s May Day
This on-the-ground account is part of a series related to attacks on the Portland May Day demonstration by the Portland police. For related articles see the links below. Events like May Day are a temperature check for the collective hive mind of the left reflecting on the year behind them. Because it is a tradition that skates…
The September 9 National Prison Strike: Bring the Call of Abolition Home
Delivered by Kristina Khan at the “Demands for a Transformed University” Rally organized by Black Students for Revolution on September 9th, 2016 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Today, September 9th, marks the 45 year anniversary of the Attica Prison uprising which happened in 1971 at a maximum security prison in upstate New York.…
Hundreds Take the Streets in Portland in Solidarity With Prison Strike
As the largest prison strike in modern history took place, groups from around Portland came together in the September 9th coalitions. Led by the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee and Anarchist Black Cross, Black Rose Portland and a host of other organizations joined together to take on the regional organizing work to coincide with the nationwide…
Standing Up With the Burgerville Workers Union
Dressed in his work uniform, Jordan Vaandering looked like any other fast food employee heading into another long shift. But that day, April 26, was far from ordinary for the 25-year-old Burgerville employee. Since Vaandering makes under $10 per hour working at the drive-through, he had decided to come forward as a voice for a growing…
Solidarity In Action: Housing and Labor Groups Support Workers at Janus Negotiations [VIDEO]
The chants barely subsided as they pushed their way into the main office. Workers at the Janus Youth Shelter had seen their negotiations almost entirely halted as they saw the prospect of miniscule raises, layoffs, and cuts in services for the homeless at-risk youth they serve. As they moved into the office with a group…
Ready to Fight: Developing a 21st Century Community Syndicalism
There has been an effort by scholars and organizers alike over the last forty years to segregate anarcho-syndicalism from the rest of the broad anarchist movement. The labor movement dominated social struggles in the first half of the twentieth century, but as large business union bureaucracies were formed and new shop organizing began to diminish,…
Anarchism and the Environment: A Northeastern Anarchist Release Party
Join Four Star, Rising Tide – Chicago and the Industrial Workers of the World for discussion, refreshments and the Chicago release of NEFAC’s Northeastern Anarchist magazine Issue #15 on “The Environment, Industry, Crisis & Alternatives.” Donations welcome to benefit the Chicago contingent to the Midwest Rising: Convergence 2011. Or swing by this cool benefit party…