Tag: labor movement
Albert Parsons: Anarchist and Labor Martyr in His Own Words
Introduction by José Antonio Gutiérrez Dantón As a tribute to one of the most remarkable agitators in labor history, we publish on May Day the autobiography of Albert Parsons. He was one of the five Chicago Anarchists who were tried in 1886-1887 and executed in November 1887 for their role as 8-hour working-day agitators and…
The State of Labor: Beyond Unions, But Not Without Them
As working class and left movements the world over celebrate May 1st, International Workers Day, we offer our reflection on the current state of the U.S. labor movement – both our optimism around recent strikes and stressing the need to transform the labor movement towards its revolutionary potential. This document was produced by the Labor…
Solidarity Network or Solidarity Advice?: On the Challenges of Building a Solidarity Network
The article originally appeared under the title“Building a solidarity network is harder than it seems” in the September 2013 issue of the IWW newspaper, the Industrial Worker. It is a review of the pamphlet Build Your Own Solidarity Network by two members of Seattle Solidarity Network and discusses the authors experience in building a Solidarity Network in Iowa City. Ryan Spourgitis…