Tag: Latin America
We Are Not Afraid: Chilean Feminism Rises in the Face of Fascist Attacks
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Statement Opposing the Fascist Attacks and Stabbing of Three Feminist Activist in Chile The Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation sends our unconditional solidarity to feminists across Chile fighting for free and legal abortion! We want to explicitly note our support to the Coordinadora Feminista 8 de Marzo, Coordinadora Feministas en Lucha,…
Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization
First published in The Northeastern Anarchist #11 in Spring 2006, “Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization” broke new ground as the first English introductory article on the concept of Especifismo. While being short and limited in scope, it has since become a standard introductory text which has been translated into multiple…
Theory, Ideology and Political Practice: The FAU’s “Huerta Grande”
Image: Chilean Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FEL) marching in 2013 with banner “10 years building popular power.” Huerta Grande, or “Large Orchard,” was written in 1972 as an internal discussion document of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya, after the Tupamaros, a Guevarist group, had failed in their armed strategy of foquismo and right before the brutal…
Why We Are Raising Funds for International Solidarity
Building Bridges of International Solidarity Since the founding of Black Rose/Rosa Negra (BRRN) we’ve made international solidarity and especially our connections with broader Latin America a key aspect of our organization and we’re looking to take new steps in expanding that work. We’ve launching the “Building Bridges of International Solidarity” campaign to raise $2,000 which…
El desarrollo capitalista en Nicaragua y el espejismo de la izquierda
Para realizar un seguimiento en nuestra reciente cobertura de la protesta en Nicaragua, presentamos este artículo que muestra un contexto más amplio de los Sandinistas de izquierda y Daniel Ortega en el poder estatal, junto con su modelo de desarrollo capitalista. Recomendamos nuestras publicaciones anteriores “One Million Hands Flourishing”(Un millón de manos floreciendo) por Tanya…
Capitalist Development in Nicaragua and the Mirage of the Left
Following up on our recent coverage of the protest in Nicaragua we present this piece looking at the broader context of the left-wing Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega in state power and their model of capitalist development. We recommend our previous postings “One Million Hands Flourishing” by Tanya H.F. and “It’s No Longer About Social Security:…
A Door Has Been Opened: Nicaragua’s April 19 Uprising
Complementing our recent articles on the April 2018 protest movement that broke out against proposed neoliberal reforms in Nicaragua, we are excited to republish a more in-depth piece with an inside view into the protests. The piece begins with a day-by-day account of the protests and then dives into the deeper context of underlying issues,…
Cuban Anarchists Announce Opening of ABRA Social Center
We are excited to reprint the below statement from our Cuban anarchist comrades announcing the opening of the ABRA social center and library in Habana today May 5, 2018. Comrades with the Taller Libertario Alfredo López and allied groups have been working for over 10 years to rebuild an anarchist presence in Cuba and the establishment of…
It’s No Longer About Social Security: Inside the Nicaraguan Student Protests
Following up on our article “One Million Hands Flourishing: Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting” by US based Nicaraguan anarchist Tanya H.F. we present an interview with Miranda, a Nicaraguan based anarchist who is deeply involved in the student protest and university occupations. This was based on a podcast interview on Hotwire # 28 released…
One Million Hands Flourishing: Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting
By Tanya H.F. The indigenous neighborhood of Monimbo in Masaya, Nicaragua has a long legacy of resistance. Masaya is located less than an hour Southeast of the capital, Managua. In 1978, the people of Monimbo barricaded themselves, used makeshift weapons and prevented the National Guard from coming into the city, winning the first major victory…