Tag: Prison Abolition
Resources on Street Organizations and Gang Truces
Compiled by Servius G. In light of recent reports about street organizations in Los Angeles making efforts to forge unity in the aftermath of Nipsey Hussle’s death, we wanted to share a few resources for folks to engage with which discuss the history of what people today call “gangs” and their potential to serve as…
From Attica to Lee: Strike Against Prison Slavery
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation Statement of Solidarity With the 2018 National Prison Strike On the 187th anniversary of the Nat Turner rebellion and the 47th anniversary of the assassination of George Jackson in his attempt to escape San Quentin prison, prisoners across the country have started a nationwide prison strike for the abolition of…
A Fight Against Hopelessness: Interview on South Carolina Prisons
Prisoners, isolated from society, deemed deserving of punishment, and frequently dehumanized, are an ideal target for exploitation and abuse. This interview by prisoner advocate Jared Ware with unnamed radical organizers in prison details conditions within the Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina. These conditions are deplorable, including easily preventable deaths at the hands of guards,…
In Solidarity with Operation PUSH, Florida Incarcerated Workers Strike
By BRRN Anti-Criminalization Committee On January 15, 2018 prisoners across the state of Florida will refuse to work, as part of a protest against the inhumane environmental and labor conditions in the Florida Department of Corrections. This protest, named Operation PUSH, will take place on Martin Luther King day. On January 16, 2018, a broad…
The September 9 National Prison Strike: Bring the Call of Abolition Home
Delivered by Kristina Khan at the “Demands for a Transformed University” Rally organized by Black Students for Revolution on September 9th, 2016 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Today, September 9th, marks the 45 year anniversary of the Attica Prison uprising which happened in 1971 at a maximum security prison in upstate New York.…
Speak Truth With Your Back to Power: Champaign-Urbana Against Jail Expansion
August 18, the Champaign County Board met to vote on a sales tax referendum to go on the ballot in the Fall. The purpose of the proposed sales tax increase is primarily to fund a jail expansion package at the expense of neglecting sorely needed social services and programs. Knowing that Champaign County’s rich would…