Tag: Strategy
The Myth of Non-Reformist Reforms
By Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Burlington This gem of a passage by left economist and author Robin Hahnel has been locked away for years in a book of his, Economic Justice and Democracy: From Competition to Cooperation, but deserves a bigger audience, especially these days given the popularity of the phrase “non-reformist reform.” Hahnel’s central point here…
Revolutionary Organizing: Black Rose Interview with Revolutionary Left Radio
Revolutionary Left Radio is a top source for discussion of radical left politics and ideas and is unique in hosting guests from a range of political ideologies and organizations that you won’t hear anywhere else. We were humbled to be featured on their most recent episode, “Revolutionary Organizing,” discussing our ideas on revolutionary political organization,…
The Limits of Hegemony: A Review of Hegemony How-To
By Wayne Price, Anarkismo Review of Jonathan M. Smucker, Hegemony How-To: A Roadmap for Radicals How can we build an effective popular movement to change society? That is the subject of this book, which has been widely praised. In my opinion, it has important and profoundly true things to say, but is politically unbalanced and…
“The Center Can’t Hold”: IGD interviews Black Rose Anarchist Federation
We are excited to present an interview of two comrades from Black Rose Anarchist Federation, Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver, discussing with It’s Going Down podcast the analysis and strategy document “Below and Beyond Trump, Power and Counter Power.” Topics discussed are the current political moment of Trumpism, social movements and building power from below and…
The Postmodern Left and the Success of Neoliberalism
By Scott Jay The rise of neoliberalism across the globe for decades, and its continued resilience since the 2007-2008 financial crisis in particular, forces us to ask why there has not been a more successful resistance against it. We might start with the changing structure of the working class, especially in the West, and that…
Bajo Trump y más allá: Poder y contrapoder
Bajo Trump y más allá: Poder y contrapoder Documento de estrategia y análisis / Análisis de Coyuntura Preparado por miembros del Comité de Análisis y Estrategia de BRRN y aprobado por los miembros. Descarga una versión folleto en PDF de este documento: Español/ Ingles Versión ingles de este documento INTRODUCCIÓN Este análisis se desarrolló mediante debates…
Below and Beyond Trump: Power and Counter-Power
Below and Beyond Trump: Power and Counter-Power Strategy and Analysis Document / Análisis de Coyuntura Prepared by members of the BRRN Analysis and Strategy Committee and approved by the membership. Download a PDF pamphlet: English / Spanish Versión Español de este documento INTRODUCTION This analysis was developed by ongoing discussions among members of the Black Rose…
For a Theory of Strategy by CAB (Brazil)
By Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira – CAB) Translation by S. Nicholas Nappalos Power, Dominance, and Social Classes Power relations permeate all social relations, and involve social agents in the most diverse disputes and attempts to influence situations. In societies divided into social classes there is a specific power relationship that can manifest…
“Guerrillas of Desire” and the Revolutionary Potential of Everyday Struggle
By Michael Reagan, Truthout A tension between political hunger and fruition runs throughout Kevin Van Meter’s new book on building contemporary revolutionary struggle, Guerrillas of Desire: Notes on Everyday Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible, published this month by AK Press and the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Van Meter’s book is a welcome contribution…
Democratic Centralism in Practice and Idea: A Critical Evaluation
We are republishing this in-depth and highly recommended piece on the concept of democratic centralism as part of our series of articles and social media postings relating to the 100 year anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The concept of democratic centralism emerged from Lenin and the Bolsheviks during this period and has reshaped much of the…