The Latest from Black Rose/Rosa Negra
Conjunctural Analysis 2025: Crises and Collective Action
What is Conjunctural Analysis? Conjunctural analysis is a method of assessing what is known as the correlation of forces or the balance of power between social forces within a particular context (local, regional, national, etc) in the current moment. It also takes into account the relationship between these shifting social forces and the relatively permanent…
We Are Not Pawns, We Are the People Who Rose Against the Regime
This article by Syrian writer Jwana Aziz reflects on the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Jwana examines the conditions that precipitated the 2011 uprising, the years of civil war, and the difficulties that now lay ahead for the Syrian people, while also holding open the possibility for a truly liberated future. Jwana is the daughter…
Anarchists in the Labor Movement #5 – Public Schools
This is the fifth installment in our Anarchists in the Labor Movement series. Click through the links to read installment #1 with an education worker, #2 with healthcare workers, #3 with a metal worker, and #4 with a public librarian. In this interview we speak with Shan, a public school teacher in North Carolina. As the title suggests, this series…
“Esto es peor que Cuba”: Miles de residentes de viviendas móviles en Miami luchan contra el desalojo
Miembros del Local de Miami de la Black Rose Anarchist Federation/ Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra han estado apoyando la lucha de los residentes del Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park contra CREI Holdings. En este informe, documentan la situación a la que se enfrentan los residentes, las élites empresariales y políticas que la están provocando, y…
“This is worse than Cuba”: Thousands of Mobile Home Residents in Miami Fight Eviction by Affordable Housing Developer
Members of the Miami Local of Black Rose Anarchist Federation/Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra have been supporting the Li’l Abner Mobile Home Park residents’ struggle against CREI Holdings. In this report, they document the situation residents face, the business and political elites who are causing it, and some next steps to stop the evictions. By Adam…
Statement from Tekoşîna Anarşîst on the Fall of the Regime in Syria: “We Carry a New World in Our Hearts”
The Black Rose/Rosa Negra International Relations Committee (IRC) republishes the following statements from our International Anarchist Coordination (IAC) sibling organization Tekoşîna Anarşîst (Anarchist Struggle). NOTE: This post was originally published on December 3rd. You are now viewing an updated version which includes a more recent statement from Tekoşîna Anarşîst, published on December 7th. BackgroundOn November…