Category: Federation
Argentina Feminists: Neither a Senate Nor a Law Will Set Us Free
Español Abajo. We reproduce this statement from our comrades in Argentina, Acción Socialista Libertaria (ASL), on the current struggle for abortion rights. It is estimated that 500,000 illegal abortions occur each year in Argentina. Around 80,000 people annually are hospitalized related to post-abortion complications and often face legal punishment as a result. Abortion remains illegal in Argentina…
From Attica to Lee: Strike Against Prison Slavery
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation Statement of Solidarity With the 2018 National Prison Strike On the 187th anniversary of the Nat Turner rebellion and the 47th anniversary of the assassination of George Jackson in his attempt to escape San Quentin prison, prisoners across the country have started a nationwide prison strike for the abolition of…
Four women icons of the Syrian Revolution
We are reposting this article by Leila Nachawati Rego, originally published in Spanish in El Diario and then translated into English and given additional context in a piece republished on Global Voices by Joey Ayoub, as part of our participation in the Campaign in Solidarity with Middle Eastern Political Prisoners. In 2011, Syrians took to the streets…
Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin: ¿Por qué soy anarquista?
Por Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin English Version Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin (nacido en 1947 en Chattanooga, Tennessee) es un escritor, activista y anarquista afroestadounidense. Es un ex miembro del Partido Pantera Negra, convirtiéndose luego en uno de los principales exponentes del Anarquismo negro. Cuando se constituye el tribunal para juzgar al “Black Power” en el verano del…
An Anarchist View of the Class Theory of the State
A Libertarian Socialist Defense of the Class Theory of the State By Wayne Price In order to understand government politics, it is necessary to have a theory of the state. This essay reviews classical anarchist and Marxist views of the class-based, pro-capitalist, nature of the state. But there are also non-class and non-capitalist influences on…
¡El socialismo será libre o no será! – Una introducción al Socialismo Libertario
Por Arthur Pye Haz clic aqui para ver un folleto en pdf / English Version Introducción Socialismo es oficialmente una expresión en boga nuevamente. De acuerdo con una encuesta reciente, el 44% de los millennials de EE.UU. “prefieren el socialismo al capitalismo”, e incluso Demócratas populares están comenzando a llamarse a sí mismos socialistas. Tal…
We Are Not Afraid: Chilean Feminism Rises in the Face of Fascist Attacks
Black Rose/Rosa Negra Statement Opposing the Fascist Attacks and Stabbing of Three Feminist Activist in Chile The Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation sends our unconditional solidarity to feminists across Chile fighting for free and legal abortion! We want to explicitly note our support to the Coordinadora Feminista 8 de Marzo, Coordinadora Feministas en Lucha,…
Boots Riley: Power Is Not In Elected Office
The following are excerpts from an interview by Patt Morrison of the LA Times published on July 18, 2018. PM: There are many people who, like your character Cassius — Cash — who say, “Look, I agree with you, but I need to pay the bills, and if I have to cross a picket line…
The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action
A classic and detailed introduction to the role anarchism played in the Spanish Civil War and the anarchist revolution within the republican zone. Originally published by Workers Solidarity Movement (Ireland). A glossary of political organization names and chronology of events can be found at the end. Pamphlet Version Introduction Much has been written about the Spanish…