Category: Federation

  • Criminalizing Dissent: “Unmasking Antifa” Bill Introduced

    By BRRN Social Media Team In a move to expand the atmosphere of repression against the left, a bill specifically targeting anti-fascist or “Antifa” protesters was introduced to the Judiciary Committee in the House of Representatives in June. Titled the “Unmasking Antifa Act of 2018,” the bill is sponsored by Republican Rep. Daniel Donovan of…

  • The State Against Climate Change: Response to Christian Parenti

    A response to Christian Parenti’s assertion that the state is the only way to meet the challenge of the climate crisis. By BRRN Radical Ecology Committee (REC) In the concluding chapter of Tropic of Chaos: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence (2012), author Christian Parenti suggests that those seeking to mitigate and adapt…

  • On Magical Thinking VS Sober Analysis of the Ocasio-Cortez Victory in NY

    We reprint this post as part of our ongoing efforts to critically look at left electoralism and to pose an alternative vision of movement building and popular power from below. In this piece Black Agenda Report editor Bruce Dixon gives a critical assessment of the primary victory of New York congressional candidate Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez which…

  • Sure, We Can Elect The Occasional Democrat Progressive. Then What?

    We reprint this post as part of our ongoing efforts to critically look at left electoralism and to pose an alternative vision of movement building and popular power from below. Here Black Agenda Report editor Bruce Dixon bravely pushes the logic of elections when he states: “What we rarely bother to think through is what…

  • Resist, Occupy, Produce: Cooperatives and Argentina’s Occupied Factory Movement

    What can US revolutionaries learn from factory take-overs and worker cooperatives in Argentina? Two South African writers with Zabalaza (ZACF) look at the example of Argentina’s recuperated factory movement whereby workplaces facing closure during the economic crisis were seized and then operated as cooperatives. The authors looks at their relationship to social movements, their anti-capitalist…

  • Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization

    First published in The Northeastern Anarchist #11 in Spring 2006, “Especifismo: The Anarchist Praxis of Building Popular Movements and Revolutionary Organization” broke new ground as the first English introductory article on the concept of Especifismo. While being short and limited in scope, it has since become a standard introductory text which has been translated into multiple…

  • Theory, Ideology and Political Practice: The FAU’s “Huerta Grande”

    Image: Chilean Frente de Estudiantes Libertarios (FEL) marching in 2013 with banner “10 years building popular power.” Huerta Grande, or “Large Orchard,” was written in 1972 as an internal discussion document of the Federación Anarquista Uruguaya, after the Tupamaros, a Guevarist group, had failed in their armed strategy of foquismo and right before the brutal…

  • Why We Are Raising Funds for International Solidarity

    Building Bridges of International Solidarity Since the founding of Black Rose/Rosa Negra (BRRN) we’ve made international solidarity and especially our connections with broader Latin America a key aspect of our organization and we’re looking to take new steps in expanding that work. We’ve launching the “Building Bridges of International Solidarity” campaign to raise $2,000 which…

  • “Let’s Go For It”: Interview with a Striking AT&T Union Steward

    This past month thousands of AT&T workers across the country have gone out on short, locally-organized Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strikes in protest of company intimidation during contract bargaining and other issues. Two separate contracts for the workers organized under the Communications Workers of America (CWA) at AT&T expired on April 15 but negotiations continued…

  • Russia’s World Cup has Syrian blood on its hands

    As the World Cup gets underway in Russia, we repost this essay by Sam Hamad, an independent Scottish-Egyptian activist and writer, criticizing the Russian State for its war crimes in Syria. Besides supporting Bashar al-Assad—Vladimir Putin recently declared that Russian troops are “testing and training” in Syria—Putin’s regime is very sexually traditionalist, with the result…