Category: Federation

  • “Campaign in Poetry, Govern in Prose”: Interview with a Former Campaign Consultant

    A decades-long veteran of the Democratic Party explains why elections fail to bring meaningful change. It’s often said that it’s easy for radicals to criticize from the outside, but what about when the critique resonates for someone who is an insider? As a follow up to the publication of “The Lure of Elections: From Political…

  • Fresh Bread in Jordan

    Here we share the exclusive reflections of a Jordanian anarchist on the ongoing popular mobilizations that have gripped Jordan beginning on May 30, 2018, as a response to tax-reform measures proposed by the State in accordance with International Monetary Fund (IMF) demands. By Mohammad Abdel Qader Alfar, Architect and Academic As soon as authority was…

  • El desarrollo capitalista en Nicaragua y el espejismo de la izquierda

    Para realizar un seguimiento en nuestra reciente cobertura de la protesta en Nicaragua, presentamos este artículo que muestra un contexto más amplio de los Sandinistas de izquierda y Daniel Ortega en el poder estatal, junto con su modelo de desarrollo capitalista. Recomendamos nuestras publicaciones anteriores “One Million Hands Flourishing”(Un millón de manos floreciendo) por Tanya…

  • Radical Queers and Class Struggle: A Match to Be Made

    The following article appears as a chapter in the 2012 anthology Queering Anarchism: Addressing and Undressing Power and Desire edited by C.B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and Abbey Volcano and takes up themes of radical queer politics and anti-capitalism.  We are reminded of the quote by French libertarian communist figure Daniel Guérin (1904-1988): “If socialism…

  • Kropotkin: “Can the State Be Used for the Emancipation of the Workers?”

    Author of “the bread book” (The Conquest of Bread), Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) was a leading anarchist intellectual in his time who wrote dozens of books, articles and pamphlets arguing for a from-the-bottom-up socialist vision of society informed by his background as a natural scientist. The newly released Modern Science and Anarchy from AK Press brings together previously unpublished…

  • Mikhail Bakunin, 1814-1876: Biography, Readings and Quotes

    A short biography of Russian anarchist and the key early figure of modern anarchism, Mikhail Bakunin. This short biographical essay is followed by links to Bakunin’s core writings, recommended writings on Bakunin as well as some of his most popular quotes.  Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin Born on May 18, 1814 in Pryamukhino, Russia – Died on…

  • Senzala or Quilombo: Reflections on APOC and the Fate of Black Anarchism

    The piece “Senzala or Quilombo” was in it’s time a scathing indictment against certain quarters of criticism inside the wider U.S. anarchist movement around the formation of Anarchist People of Color (APOC). First began as a website and list serve that linked various self-identified anarchists of color, the effort blossomed into a 2003 conference in…

  • Di Bawah Dan Di Luar Trump: Kekuasaan Dan Kekuatan-Kontra

    Di Bawah Dan Di Luar Trump: Kekuasaan Dan Kekuatan-Kontra Diposting pada 22 Desember 2017 – Kutipan Federasi : Anarkisme, Strategi, Teori Strategi dan Analisis Dokumen / Análisis de Coyuntura Disiapkan oleh anggota Komite Analisis dan Strategi BRRN dan disetujui oleh keanggotaan. English Version / Spanish Version PENGANTAR Analisis ini dikembangkan oleh diskusi yang sedang berlangsung…

  • Oral History From the Barricades: Review of May Made Me on 1968 France

    Review of May Made Me: An Oral History of the 1968 Uprising in France by Mitchell Abidor. AK Press, 2018. By Sarah Miller, Philadelphia BRRN From March through May 1968, as the world faced a global upheaval, France experienced a near revolution that is still a living memory. What began as an anti-Vietnam War protest eventually…

  • Capitalist Development in Nicaragua and the Mirage of the Left

    Following up on our recent coverage of the protest in Nicaragua we present this piece looking at the broader context of the left-wing Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega in state power and their model of capitalist development. We recommend our previous postings “One Million Hands Flourishing” by Tanya H.F. and “It’s No Longer About Social Security:…