Category: Federation
Joel Olson: What is White Supremacy?
This piece outlining the history and practice of white supremacy in the United States was published as part of the Lexicon pamphlet series created by the Institute for Anarchist Studies which “aims to convert words into politically helpful tools.” Author Joel Olson was a committed organizer, thinker and active within US anarchist politics for many years. He authored The…
Gaza Massacre Marks 70 Years of Al-Nakba: We Demand Justice!
By BRRN External Communications-International Relations Committee (EC-IRC) Today, May 15, 2018, marks 70 years since the founding of Israel and the parallel al-Nakba al-Mustamera, or “ongoing catastrophe,” which this has meant for Palestine’s indigenous Arab population. The ethnic cleansing of between 750,000 and 800,000 Palestinians and the destruction of an estimated 600 Arab villages required…
“Wild, Unprecedented” Reformism: The Case of Larry Krasner
The election of Larry Krasner as Philadelphia District Attorney was hailed by many on the left as a positive example of left electoralism – the election of a “people’s prosecutor.” This piece by Tim Horras of Philly Socialists puts forward well argued criticisms of the assumed narrative around Krasner that the election of progressive politicians…
What Wears Us Down: Dual Consciousness and Disability at Work
While there has been strong and active disability movement, some with a left character, the broader socialist and left tradition has generally been slow to incorporate disability politics into it’s analysis. Not helpful in this respect is that often times questions of ability and ableism are reduced to individualized identities and concerns along the lines…
Building Dual Power: Where They Retreat, We Must Advance
Image: A vote taking place for the Koreatown Popular Assembly in Los Angeles. Learn more on their organizing here. We reprint this piece as part of our ongoing discussions on what a praxis of building popular power and dual power would look like in the US. For some of our previous discussions we recommend reading…
A Door Has Been Opened: Nicaragua’s April 19 Uprising
Complementing our recent articles on the April 2018 protest movement that broke out against proposed neoliberal reforms in Nicaragua, we are excited to republish a more in-depth piece with an inside view into the protests. The piece begins with a day-by-day account of the protests and then dives into the deeper context of underlying issues,…
#REDforEd – Teacher Strikes Show Social Movements the Way Forward
By Michael Reagan There have been growing calls for electoral participation in the wake of the Trump presidential victory and the horrendous political and social climate that have come in its wake. Most of these voices encourage a social movement strategy called “inside/outside” organizing which argues that protest, mobilizations, and disruptions are good, but that…
Cuban Anarchists Announce Opening of ABRA Social Center
We are excited to reprint the below statement from our Cuban anarchist comrades announcing the opening of the ABRA social center and library in Habana today May 5, 2018. Comrades with the Taller Libertario Alfredo López and allied groups have been working for over 10 years to rebuild an anarchist presence in Cuba and the establishment of…
A Fight Against Hopelessness: Interview on South Carolina Prisons
Prisoners, isolated from society, deemed deserving of punishment, and frequently dehumanized, are an ideal target for exploitation and abuse. This interview by prisoner advocate Jared Ware with unnamed radical organizers in prison details conditions within the Lee Correctional Institution in South Carolina. These conditions are deplorable, including easily preventable deaths at the hands of guards,…
It’s No Longer About Social Security: Inside the Nicaraguan Student Protests
Following up on our article “One Million Hands Flourishing: Nicaragua and the Neverending Task of Planting” by US based Nicaraguan anarchist Tanya H.F. we present an interview with Miranda, a Nicaraguan based anarchist who is deeply involved in the student protest and university occupations. This was based on a podcast interview on Hotwire # 28 released…