Category: Miami

  • The Monster of Unemployment

    by Monica Kostas (MAS supporter and guest-author) It’s been a solid three and a half months at least. In the scope of unemployment, it’s not that long of a time period but three and a half months can feel like a lifetime; I’ll even go to the extent of saying that I can’t remember what…

  • Who Dismisses the Teacher: On The Work that Follows You Home and Steals your Sleep

    by Barbanegra (cross posted to Recomposition blog) I stare up at the computer’s clock on the right hand side of the screen, the numbers blaring at me, “10:45 pm.” I’ve finished the PowerPoint presentation for one class, but have nothing prepared for my other class. Luckily for me, tomorrow I have a planning period between…

  • Occupy by the occupiers part 2

    We feature these two articles written by a participant of occupy who was newly radicalized, and an observer of occupy who did interviews with occupy Miami members. MAS doesn’t endorse these articles, but offers them as an insight to the moment of occupy in South Florida.

  • Occupy by the occupiers part 1

    We feature these two articles written by a participant of occupy who was newly radicalized, and an observer of occupy who did interviews with occupy Miami members. MAS doesn’t endorse these articles, but offers them as an insight to the moment of occupy in South Florida.

  • March called in Sanford Florida for Trayvon Martin Saturday 8am-2pm

    There has been a march called by the Rainbow-Push coalition in Sanford Florida. Transportation is being arranged from Miami for those who are able to go. More information is here with the event organizers.

  • Justice for Trayvon Martin Now!

    As winter turns into spring, things are heating up in Miami. The murder of Trayvon Martin, a Miami Gardens native, by a neighborhood watch vigilante in Sanford, Florida has brought systemic racism into the eyes of every American. While the details and responses are still unfolding, Miami is taking to the streets to stand against…

  • Interviews with organizers: Canada’s postal struggles & the New School occupation

    Beginning with the crisis of 2008, a series of community, labor, and education struggles have unfolded across the world, in the US, and Canada. As experienced organizers face new challenges, and new people are brought into the movement, the challenges and problems posed by building powerful radical movements confronts us. Today we present two interviews…

  • 10 Ways to #BuildPower for #M1GS

    by Occupy May 1st From: With the American Spring just starting, us folks at #BuildPowerShowPower thought it would be good to wrap up some of the ideas going around on how to help #BuildPower for #M1GS! [1] Work Within Occupy: There are hundreds of Occupy groups still holding regular meetings and events. Chances are,…

  • Stand with Homestead Against Racial Profiling!

    Miami Autonomy and Solidarity is passing along this request for solidarity from a WeCount! organizer to stand with Homestead residents as they express their outrage at the persistent racial profiling by Miami-Dade Police of Homestead residents: In December, WeCount! delivered petitions with over 2,300 signatures to the Miami-Dade Police Department, calling on the MDPD to…

  • Solidarity with CIW & Supporters’ Week Long Fast

    On Monday March 5th, members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and 150 of their supporters gathered at the headquarters of supermarket chain Publix, in Lakeland, FL to begin a “Fast for Fair Food.” The CIW and supporters are fasting due to Publix’s refusal to end their part in farmworker exploitation and take part in…