Category: Miami

  • From the square to the block to the shop: spread the occupation amid the whirlwind of crisis

    A movement is born. Across America and around the world occupations have spread. We witness the beauty and struggle of a new protagonist joining the fight against oppression and exploitation. Crisis feeds conflict: the pillaging of communities galvanizes people from Greece and Chile, Bangladesh and China, the United States and Spain. A massive wave has…

  • 10/8/11 Saturday 130pm Occupy Miami official general assembly planning meeting

    ‎10/8/11 Saturday 130pm Bayfront Park Miami Occupy Miami official planning & general assembly The occupation begins October 15th, come be a part of this movement and help build a radical alternative to the austerity and misery we’re facing. This meeting will help decide the logistics and direction of the occupation, and this is the official…

  • Moving to Action: workplace organizing beyond recipes

    by S. Nappalos- When a revolutionary begins organizing in a shop, the first step is typically to agitate one’s coworkers. In our minds we see a step-by-step process wherein our agitation leads to other opportunities, recruitment, committee building, until we have power and an organization. The problem is that for most workplaces, this way of…

  • Análisis de nivel Intermedio

    por S. Nappalos Hay una tradición en la izquierda de pensar y tomar acción sobre dos niveles de actividad; el nivel de masas y el nivel político revolucionario. Hay diferentes maneras de categorizar estos conceptos, pero son distinguidos por variados niveles de unidad y su contenido. El nivel de masas es donde individuales se unen…

  • Miami Students: Solidarity with Chilean Students and Popular Struggles

    Students and activists in Miami held a protest outside the Chilean consulate in downtown Miami Monday August 8th. The rally was organized by Students Working for Equal Rights, a student organization at campuses throughout Florida that organizes around student and immigrant issues. Protesters handed out leaflets calling for solidarity with students struggling for education in…

  • Strategic Retreat Completed: forward with the struggle

    MAS just completed one of our regular strategic retreats to plan out our next 6 months, and a public report will follow shortly. We’re looking forward to another 6 months working with others in the struggle for liberation!

  • History of the Quimbo in Colombia: dammed or damned?

    by Nutria (MAS)- The Quimbo Dam in the Department of Huila, Colombia is one of the largest infrastructure mega projects the country is currently implementing. It is expected to be functional in 2014. Not any smaller then the Dam is this megaproject´s ecological and social impacts. The peak over the beach along the Magdalena River downhill…

  • La historia del Quimbo: ¿represa o represión?

        por Nutria (MAS)-  La Represa del Quimbo, en el Huila, es uno de los proyectos más grandes de infraestructura que se adelantan en el país. Se espera que la hidroeléctrica comience a funcionar en 2014. Sin embargo, del mismo tamaño del proyecto son las implicaciones ecológicas y sociales de esta mega obra. El…

  • Reflections on Stiglitz article: “Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%”

    by Thomas (MAS) A family member of mine recently sent me an article from Vanity Fair by economist Joseph Stiglitz about the problem of elite control within the united states.  While it’s refreshing that the article is talking about the problem to a mainstream audience, it stops short of delving deep enough the problem at a…

  • La Vieja Estación

    Una historia de un compa de MAS en Chile, Caminaba por los angares de aquella vieja terminal de trenes. Era un lugar que había descubierto tan solo unos meses atrás. Me fascinaba su estado de abandono, el polvo acumulado en las paredes, los escombros y los restos esparcidos por aquella gran nave rectangular. Era algo…