Tag: Syria
We Are Not Pawns, We Are the People Who Rose Against the Regime
This article by Syrian writer Jwana Aziz reflects on the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Jwana examines the conditions that precipitated the 2011 uprising, the years of civil war, and the difficulties that now lay ahead for the Syrian people, while also holding open the possibility for a truly liberated future. Jwana is the daughter…
Statement from Tekoşîna Anarşîst on the Fall of the Regime in Syria: “We Carry a New World in Our Hearts”
The Black Rose/Rosa Negra International Relations Committee (IRC) republishes the following statements from our International Anarchist Coordination (IAC) sibling organization Tekoşîna Anarşîst (Anarchist Struggle). NOTE: This post was originally published on December 3rd. You are now viewing an updated version which includes a more recent statement from Tekoşîna Anarşîst, published on December 7th. BackgroundOn November…
International Statement: Call for Solidarity in Turkey, Syria, and Kurdistan
This statement was issued and endorsed by an international coordination of anarchist organizations. It is the first statement issued by this grouping that Black Rose / Rosa Negra has signed on to. Examples of previous statements can be found here. The earthquakes of 6 February and their aftershocks have devastated entire regions. The death toll…
“The Greatest Purveyor of Violence”: Black Rose Statement on U.S. Aggression Against Iran
Statement by members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government.” -MLK Black Rose Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Rosa Negra unequivocally condemns the U.S. assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in Iraq. This is a provocation and an act of imperialist aggression that adds to…
Statement: One Month Since the Popular Revolt in Chile
We present to you an analysis on the uprising that has been underway in Chile produced jointly by Black Rose/Rosa Negra (US), Solidaridad (Chile), and Acción Socialista Libertaria – ASL (Argentina). Versión en español abajo One Month Since the Start of the Popular Revolt in Chile: Feminist and Libertarian Communist Statement A Preface to October…
Has SYRIZA’s “Long March Through the Institutions” Come To An End?
Greece’s Syriza was a beacon of hope to many parts of the left when they came to power in 2015 but the party’s quick capitulation to the austerity measures they campaigned against was a forceful affirmation of those critical of electoral strategies. With the party set to lose power after experiencing a heavy defeat in…
Is Trump’s National Emergency a Step Toward Fascism?
By Mark Bray, TruthOut President Trump has now declared a national emergency to fund his long-sought border wall. It is no surprise that when a fascistic president like Trump starts throwing around the idea of a national emergency, media outlets like Esquire start asking whether “it might be time to start fireproofing the Reichstag,” a clear allusion to…
Government Shutdown: A Failing American Democracy Should Sound the Call For Revolution
A response to the government shut down from an anarchist and libertarian socialist perspective. By Frank Ascaso It’s now been more than a month of federal government shutdown. President Trump and the Democrats of the House are in a standoff over funding the border wall, and they are holding the federal budget hostage. Trump wants…
Between Erdogan and Rojava: Interview with Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) in Turkey
As political repression continues to increase in Turkey amidst a widespread economic crisis, the current situation under the autocratic Erdogan regime has important implications for the current in Rojava as well as the ongoing Syrian conflict. We republish this interview with Turkey-based anarchist organization Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) [@DAFaaliyet] from October 2018 to give insight into the…
Building Popular Power In a Time of Reaction: Strategy for Social Struggle
Editorial Note: This piece builds upon and updates the strategy and analysis document “Below and Beyond Trump” we released in late 2017 and aims to capture a snapshot of our internal discussions and conclusions over the past year. Because these conversations began in the lead up to our National Convention in early August we were not…